The Airline Industry, the multifaceted face of travel would unceremoniously like us all to believe that they have paved the way for e-tickets. The past week alone has seen an incredible amount of marketing jargon coming form more airline companies in a thinly veiled attempt at diverting attention from their inherent carbon unfriendliness.
The companies in this over burdened sector have found a new way to make their customers forget they are actually riding in expensive, fuel guzzling crafts of metal and fiberglass. But it's OK, they do e-ticketing, so its financially and morally OK to be burning fossil fuels with seemingly no return on investment.
In reality, Airline companies were arguably the pioneers of ET, however much like Apple, they may have invented the 'app' but open source engineered them to be what they are today. Open source is simply a pragmatic view that software should be distributed for FREE! The link in "FREE!" is our app. Which obviously costs nothing.
The other ET
So to answer the question of; "Just how easy is it to distribute and scan your own e-tickets?" Well, it's very easy, with our simple set up you can create an event site to distribute your tickets within minutes! Then download our app to start scanning in your attendees. Simple. If you don't believe us call on 020 88973 2591 and we'll talk you through it.
We have been championing the e-ticket/carbon friendly cause for nearly 5 years, and we're still finding ways of allowing our customers to have the ability to send and scan without having to buy or rent all of the unnecessary and over priced hardware. Our scanning app is approximately £300 cheaper and equally as secure as a hand held USB scanner, and it lives in your phone! YAY
Gone are the days of additional rental charges for scanners! Gone are the days of long wires connected to laptops and scanning terminals, join us on our journey to easy event management and embrace the technology.
Professor Participant